a life you live is a story, what's done is done.

where it goes from here is totally up to you.

write your own ending!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Interview with Jin~

hahaha.. yg jelas bukan gw yg interview dia xD dari tokyosport nie... waktu Jin menginjakkan kaki di Jepang abis kepulangannya dari menggelar konser di Amrik sanaaaa~ langsung de di serbu pertanyaan ma wartawan ahahaha... nie dy isi bincang2na :

Jin’s Interview in Tokyo Sport

Jin Akanishi were apart from the group and went to the US to have his solo concert “You&Jin” in Club Nokia, Los Angeles during June 19th~21st . Not only did he filled the entire venue with 2000 audiences, the club tour has been decided for 7 cities in the US starting in September.

Akanishi had his “triumphant return” to Japan in the afternoon on the 28th, with this casual fashion: sun glasses, black jacket, short pants and beach sandals. It was different from the tense mood he had when leaving the country. Probably due to the big success in L.A., he has never been so talkative for this interview. The following is the Q&A.

Q. What do you think about the LA concert?
I really enjoyed it.

Q. You had very close interaction with the blonde beauties on stage. Is it going to happen for the next tour as well?
I don’t know ne~

Q. The concert is mainly composed with R&B and Hip Hop?
Of course, these are the music that I like.

Q. You enjoyed it more than in KAT-TUN?
……… Yeah.

Q. You also sang a song criticizing paparazzi. You hate paparazzi?
No, I don’t particularly hate them. Actually I want to thank them for taking pictures of me. But still, there are things being written just weren’t true. Even now, if I said too much…..

Q. That is because you are a star (so they chose you as the target)!
Mufufu…. (He bowed his head and smirked with fingers pointed at the reporter, just like saying “you’re good!”)

Q. So what you said before about the untrue part is about leaving KAT-TUN?
That, too. There’s no such thing. But we don’t know what will happen in the future.

Q. Did you get in touch with members?
No, not particularly.

Q. Eh!?!?
It’s not like that! It’s not like that! My cell phone has been disconnected right now. I didn’t even contact my parents.

Q. How come it’s disconnected?
I set my cell phone to be disconnected once the calling fee reaches 30,000~40,000yen. So after using it for work, it was disconnected.

Q. But you are an idol….
Guu! (He bowed his head and smirked again)

Q. Part of the article also said that you will work with Mr. Kobayashi Takeshi.
(On purpose) Ha? Koba…Kobayashi? I didn’t know about it.

Q. The article said that you will be performing at Mr. Kobayashi’s outdoor live.
Really? What happened during the time I was not in Japan? (laugh). But outdoor live? I want to join!

Q. It also said that Mr. Kobayashi will be the producer and you will sing a duet with Miss Kuroki Meisa.
(On purpose) Eh? Who? Kuroki…Meisa? I don’t know ne~. I never heard of anything like this. Really, what happened?

Q. So there’s no duet?
I don’t know. Please check with Miss Meisa.

Q. Last, please give us a “big success” pose on camera.
No, I’m really bad at this….

Source: Tokyo Sport 2010.06.29

credit : ktdaisuki@LJ >>klik link ini ya :)

Pendapat saia hahaha : nyahaha~ apapun yg dia lakukan gw dukung de... tapi jawaban dia yg ini rada mengganggu pikiran saia xD

"Q. You enjoyed it more than in KAT-TUN? ……… Yeah."
 "Q. So what you said before about the untrue part is about leaving KAT-TUN? That, too. There’s no such thing. But we don’t know what will happen in the future."

hyaa~ gw harap sie ini bukan pertanda buruk xD gw tetep mau KAT-TUN berenam! *Let's pray together* smoga ini cuma pikiran aneh gw aja...dan ga jadi kenyataan... saat ini..bener de.. GW CEMAS! hohoh..


tensaipetenshisama said...

I am KAT-TUN fans too, spesialy akame.
btw, that sentence make me worried too. sejak liat interview aka q juga kepikiran jangan-jangan nih orang emang 'niat' buat kluar dari kat-tun cuma blom dapat 'ijin' aja. aka kan sejak dulu emang pengen solo karir.
tapi moga-moga aja kgak, q juga lebih suka kat-tun 6 orang, klo cuma 5 kayaknya gimanaaaa gitu. kan bisa kayak yamapi, news iya solo juga iya, q malah lebih seneng klo kayak gitu. *pray*

akanishika said...

hi :)
lam kenal~ thx yaa dah berkunjung hehehe

ternyata kekhawatiran qta smua sepertinya udh rada kejawab ama smua berita yg beredar nie huhuu
smoga Jin ga jd kluar dr KAT-TUN de..itu sie harapan saia xD

Yupz~ aku juga lebih suka liat KAT-TUN ber6