a life you live is a story, what's done is done.

where it goes from here is totally up to you.

write your own ending!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Winner VS Loser

Sashiburiiiii~ buri buri~ hahahaha sudah lama tak update blog xD nyahahaa..
hari ini, saia datang dengan membawa sebuah syair (?) puisi (?) sajak(?) hmmm.. kayanya lebih cocok dibilang sebagai kata-kata inspiratif hahaha..
Kata-kata ini barusan g dapet dari slide presentasi pelatihan yg di adain ama kampus hehe.. keren yooo.. tentang siapa itu pemenang dan siapa itu orang yang kalah? haha

ini dia :


The Winner is always part of the answer
The Loser is always part of the problem

The Winner always has a program
The Loser always has an excuse

The Winner says "Let me do it for you"
The Loser says "That's not my job"

The Winner sees an answer for every problem
The Loser sees a problem from every answer

The Winner sees a grean near every sand trap
The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green

The Winner says "It may be difficult but it's possible"
The Loser says "It may be possible but it's too difficult"



REVI said...

seorang pemenang sejati mampu menang dalam segala keadaan :)

Fandy said...

seorang pemenang ya kaya gw nie... wkwkwk...

sika kemana saja tidak pernah update blog lagi???

akanishika said...

@repi : uwiiii~ bahasanya mantap!
@fandy : hahaha... iyah, lg ga punya topik yg mo d tulis :P